Woman Shape :  Unisense  Thailand
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  Water retention, medically known as “Edema”, can be caused by a number of factors, from normal shifts in body fluid to excess dietary sodium and diseases such as heart or kidney disease. Research suggests sodium may contribute to high blood pressure and other health complications. Many average healthy adults experience some water retention and the accompanying weight gain that occurs. It's possible to retain up to five pounds of water weight etention and can easily be hidden  

within the natural fluid that surrounds cells( extra-cellular fluid ). Heavier people may experience more water retention especially if their intake of processed, convenient food is high.  Weight gains are very often a combination of fat stores and water retention.



Water intake helps in flushing out toxins from the fat cells, which are stored in fat tissue and released into the bloodstream.  The body will hold on to excess water for survival if adequate amount of water is not supplied. 



If you don’t have frequent bowel movements, you absorb poison from partially digested foods in the intestinal tract.  The constipation encourages the body to retain fluids to dilute these poisons.  Constipation is, in fact, the most common problem we see in relation to water retention.


| Cellulite | Water Retenation | Streteched Marks | Saggin Skin |


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