Woman Shape :  Unisense  Thailand
Woman Shape02 : Unisense Thailan d



This includes bodybuilders especially those using hormone-replacement drugs, like steroids- and fast growing adolescents (sudden growth spurt).

Stretch marks are scars. Although their cause is unknown, it is thought that a lack of support in the dermis, the skin's middle layer, leads to a collagen build-up in over-stretched tissue. The results are pink or purple straies that fade over time and become shallow white scars.

This transition is important since older scars are more difficult to treat. How quickly stretch marks fade depends on your age and fairness of skin. The younger and fairer you are, the slower the process.

Microdermabrasion blasts away the top layers of the skin with fine, sand-like particles.  Moreover, applying rich moisturizer and firming the skin help in softening and smoothing the skin. The topical formulations which contain some kinds of vitamin can smooth the skin, thus diminishing the appearance of stretch marksIn all cases, the limitation in stretch mark treatments is the depth of the straies. Many solutions won’t change the depth of the scar but can eliminate the coloration. 


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